As winter comes upon us, there are some ways to prepare ourselves for the cold weather. We must take out our winter clothes, coats, footwear, and bedding. It is also time to winterize our cars with oil changes and tire rotations. However, do you have what you need in your car, in case of emergencies? Here are some items you need to pack in your car trunk for winter:
1. Portable Cell Phone Charger - A portable charger is crucial if your car cannot start. Without the engine being able to start, you're not able to use the cigarette lighter or any USB ports in your car. Locate and power up your portable charger, so you can call for help.
2. Ice Scraper - This is to remove snow and ice from your car windows and lights, so you can have 100% visibility when driving.
3. Shovel - A compact or foldable shovel removes snow or dirt, to get you out of a ditch or snowbank, to improve your tire's traction.
4. Sandbag or Kitty litter - These products do two things well, where one is weighing your car down, to give your rear tires better traction. These items are poured around your tires to get unstuck from snow, ice, or slush.
5. Extra Car and Hand Tools - If your battery happens to not start, you need jumper cables to get a boost. A rope or chain is useful to get unstuck in the snow. Keep a small tool kit to do simple tasks for your car when needed.
6. Snacks and Water - If you cannot leave your car and stuck, water and non-perishable snacks are great to have when waiting for help.
7. Winter Clothing and Accessories - You might need to keep warm in an emergency, so keep blankets and sweaters to be prepared.
8. Windshield Washer with Antifreeze - Use washer fluid with antifreeze components to keep it from freezing, improving visibility in a storm.
9. Hazard Lights, Indicators, and Flashlight - These tools alert passing vehicles you need help. You can walk at night with a flashlight to get.
10. First Aid Kit - You might need bandages or ointment when dealing with any injuries.
If you need these items, stop by our auto shop today for your emergency car needs. Let our staff help you prepare for the upcoming winter weather season.