Posted on 4/22/2019

Today is Earth Day - It's the day when many people around the world plant a tree, invest in a reusable coffee cup or pick up garbage at a local park. We think all of these are great ways to celebrate Earth Day, but we also have many green practices being used on a daily basis at Ervine's Auto Repair and Grand Rapids Hybrid We use a paperless shop management system which easily saves 100 or more pieces of paper each day. We help customers maintain their vehicles in good condition so they will experience increases in fuel economy as well as reduced emissions. Also, by properly maintaining a vehicle, it lasts much longer, reducing the need to manufacture another vehicle, a huge saving in resources! We service eco-friendly cars such as hybrid and electric vehicles. We purchase shop supplies in bulk and use refillable dispensers instead of single use containers. We recycle MANY things: car batteries, beverage container ... read more
Posted on 12/9/2010
It's becoming more important for all of us to get at least 250,000 safe and reliable miles out of our vehicles. This is a very reasonable goal so long as the “wait till it breaks” approach to repair and maintenance is not followed. However, a regularly inspected and properly maintained vehicle will not only last longer and command a higher price when you finally are ready for a newer car, it will be less expensive, more reliable and comfortable to drive while you own the vehicle. Many of you who have borrowed one of our free loaner vehicles have commented they are surprisingly pleasant to drive. Given their age and mileage, there could be no better testament to the importance of regular maintenance. Your vehicle's most basic need and important appointment is a regular oil change service with vehicle inspection. We've made it easier on your budget and busy schedule with our BUY THREE GET ONE FREE oil change service including vehicle inspection ... read more